Friday 28 August 2009

The Benefits of Religion

There are no benefits and that is is why this page will appear blank because this text is given the same font colour as the background of the post. If you are reading this then either your feed reader is not surprisingly not being sensitive to such font colouring information or you have moused over the post.
There are no benefits and that is is why this page will appear blank because this text is given the same font colour as the background of the post. If you are reading this then either your feed reader is not surprisingly not being sensitive to such font colouring information or you have moused over the post.
There are no benefits and that is is why this page will appear blank because this text is given the same font colour as the background of the post. If you are reading this then either your feed reader is not surprisingly not being sensitive to such font colouring information or you have moused over the post.
There are no benefits and that is is why this page will appear blank because this text is given the same font colour as the background of the post. If you are reading this then either your feed reader is not surprisingly not being sensitive to such font colouring information or you have moused over the post.
There are no benefits and that is is why this page will appear blank because this text is given the same font colour as the background of the post. If you are reading this then either your feed reader is not surprisingly not being sensitive to such font colouring information or you have moused over the post.


Martin Freedman said...

Joke did not seem to work as this is meant to be a blank page. Preview is fine but browsers render this as no data

Naug said...

It's not blank, the text seems to be there it just turned white for some reason. Mark the empty space with your cursor and you'll see text.

Martin Freedman said...


Of course it is white "for some reason", that is the whole point. As for being able to see it when you mouseover, did you not read this when in your mouseover you can read this if "you have moused over the post"?

I should have used a blank image, that would have been better?

Soldierwhy said...

Nice one mate. Reminds me of 'The God FAQ".